Prayer Concerns

July 25, 2024



Nursing Homes

Betty Bendimire

Bucky Clanton


Rachel Hurst

Nancy Robinson

Cass Spell

Jean Stripling

Mary Turner

In our Prayers

Marion Baker*(Mother of Mark Baker)

Mark Baker*(Former Pastor)

Clark Bass, Sr

The Golden Family (loss of home due to fire)

Ron Gregory Family

Marissa, Rolie Hancock &

Triplets* (NICU  PPMC)

Bowen Harbuck*(Great Grandson of Ab & Louise Harbuck)

Mary Harbuck

"Soapy" Herndon*

Ed & Juanita Hurst*(Former Pastor and Wife)

Ella Jones*

Gene Jordan

Ben & Bobbie Kennedy

Brooks Mechler*(Mary Kathryn Davis' Niece)

Mickey Moore

Jack Myers

Sharon Oliver

Linda Parrish*(Doug Parrish’s Wife)

Amelia Player

Jeff Schaeffner

Donna Shoemaker

John Shoemaker

Valerie Tindell*(Friend of Sharon Anderson

*Denotes Friend or Family Member of our Church Family

Friendship Baptist Assoc. Churches

Without Pastors


Amazing Grace Baptist Church

Calvary Baptist Church

Eastside Baptist Church

Ebenezer Baptist Church

Faith Baptist Church

First Baptist Church, Buena Vista

Lebanon Baptist Church

New Life Baptist Church

Missionaries Supported by Central Baptist Church

Kevin & Casey Kilgore & Family—Through the Eyes of our Tribe

Jim & Viola Palmer—Stateside

Scotty & Jadison Hayes—Peru

Tucker Westbrook—CRU @ GA Southern